While doing life in NYC

We visited Grandma and Grandpa back in May. Emma loved being in their pool and wanted to learn how to swim for next time. Problem is: there's not a lot of pools in New York. We were on waitlists for months, then got the call a couple months ago that a spot opened up in Lower Manhattan. So now, Emma and I head into the city every Sunday afternoon for swim class. It's takes us about 40 minutes to get there on our cargo bike.
The shot above, I snapped from the bike, on our way to swim class, while waiting for the light to change.
A few weeks ago I wrote about how digital photography lets me get in more reps than shooting film, and how getting more reps has allowed me to progress faster than if I had picked up photography 20 years ago. Another thing that's a bit of an unfair advantage when learning photography: living in New York.
I have two main hobbies these days: photography and jiu jitsu. To practice jiu jitsu, I need to show up at a specific time and place. On my best week, I practice jiu jitsu three times. As I write this, I've been off the mats for four weeks due mostly to schedule conflicts.
I am not good at jiu jitsu.
Photography fits into the cracks of a busy life. For the last three years, I've carried a camera with me every time I leave the house. And in New York, there is something interesting to photograph on every block.
There's also the way you move through the city. In nearly any other American city, the default mode of transportation is a car. It's really hard to practice photography while driving a car.
These photos were shot over the last two weeks while doing life in NYC.