
Emma and I flew into Phoenix on a Friday. We spent the night at my parent's, then borrowed my mom's car and drove south to Bisbee, a border town where Emma's best-friend moved over the summer.

We stopped for Starbucks in Tucson, got back on the road and called Rachel, who looked up our route on Google Maps.
"You're going to go through Tombstone," she said.
"Tombstone? Like the movie? It's a real place?"
"Like the movie. 'Site of the gunfight at the OK Corral'. According to Street View, it looks like a movie."
She was right about that. We pulled into town at 5:30. The desert sun cast the most beautiful natural light I've seen since I started paying attention to natural light.

I spent the rest of our trip finding reasons to respond to Emma with, "I'm your huckleberry."